Wednesday 10 June 2009



Whenever a Wal-Mart store adjoins a patch of woods, I'm motivated to see what's in there. Having investigated many, I'll do one more this morning at Coos Bay, Or.

I walk the wall of foliage searching for a "Green Door."

Ah, there it is! Do you see it? The "merry men" who use it step lightly here to conceal, but I see the beginnings of a hideout trail.

Once through the green door, they make good trails.

I penetrate carefully, 50 yards or so until:

I see this rake---a sure sign of a sylvan domicile---I know I'm close.

Bingo! a homeless camp--luckily unoccupied. I check it out, letting it speak to me.
One thing it says is big fellow--size 11 or better
I followed this curious trail of oatmeal, deducing that a neighbor came borrowing with a leaky bag. Did you flash on Hansel and Gretel?
It led to an apparant dead end. But I know better! Can you see the hidden camp?
Push through another "green door" and there it is--a sleeping spot--with a grill?
100 yards away I found this one. That's enough--I've got the picture. Would have enjoyed engaging the outlaws.

I do not think this is dreadful---just adaptive. The day will come when we as a society will ask ourselves a truly relevant question: What can we afford to give away?--no questions asked--(because questions asked---MEANS TESTING is super expensive --AND ineffective) just because in some sense we are all in it (life) together. How about salt? (a necessity) but so cheap we can afford to give everyone enough. How about water? Well yes, we can afford that too. How about clothing? Well yes, the thrift store kind. No one need be naked or even cold. How about food?
Well yes, we can afford to give anyone the basic calories. How about Shelter? AAAHHH, THERE'S THE RUB. We really cannot afford to give everybody a house. But we could and should give everyone who needs one, a tent and a place to put it. I wish those in the rescue business would ask the question as simply as I have. Live in a tent awhile and many will decide they want a "better" life and may go to work; some won't. ( Too many people are working as is---but that's another blog.)
ENOUGH! --- with down and outers. I'm ready for a new focus! I alert my readers that I'm going to try and make a fantasy come true. It's a strange fantasy and I will give you a clue. Google and read the poem: "The Man Flammonde by Edward Arlington Robinson. I intend to pick a small town in Oregon and do a Flammonde thing.

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