Sunday 13 July 2008



Paul Styles is a man made smooth by much thoughtful living. Though he could afford a luxurious bus camper, he lives in a modest rig costing $8,500. His money philosophy: “ I will spend no dime before its time. He has been everywhere and done everything including several world tours as a dance host on cruise ships.
A lawyer by career, an adventurer by choice, he won his economic freedom and chose to wander the US, retreating periodically to the forest where I met him near Flagstaff.

Last night he hurried us off to a singles dance. Wearing black slacks and a black silk shirt and seating himself, I watched as he slipped on a pair of black patent leather dancing shoes and glided into action. In minutes, a host of ladies hovered around our table waiting their turn to be whirled by the master. It’s a beautiful thing to see a waltz done properly. I shuffled obscurely on the sidelines. At one point the music turned hot and Paul opened full throttle, doing the Charleston, hopping and kicking so energetically with an enthusiastic 30 yr old that the floor cleared and cheered them on. Of course he won first prize.

Today the Philosopher emerged in a four mile walk. I carried pen and paper gleaning a few gems for you.
1. “We live in a field of dreams. All we need do is point our desires.”
2. “Time is more than money; Time is everything!
3.”I’m here as a witness and I haven’t seen it all; I keep going!”
4. “Since I do not know where I’m going, any road will do.”
5. “I book passage today to a fabulous isle—my someday I’ll “

He’s a joy, a treasure and now a friend. I have his permission to show his picture and e-mail address:

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