THE POETS COME FROM AROUND THE NATION----to this university town----assemble in a king sized coffee house----with a packed-house audience----5 judges at the ready to rank our performance. Each of us has 3 minutes to impress the crowd and the judges.
Laurie drags me there---says "it will be a great experience."---signs me up.
I draw number 11 and one by one the poets perform----deep and heavy stuff---about life and love and existential angst and meaning.
Laurie is number 5. She recites one of her love songs: "TAKE ME TO THE FIRE" -( very sensual)---the audience is pleased----judges give good scores.
I shuffle to the stage---lean to the mike and say: "True story---about me and my hormones: THE DANCE OF TESTOSTERONE. (Listen for yourself): Click here to listen.
Can you hear the reaction?-----to my utter amazement--IT BROUGHT THE HOUSE DOWN------JUDGES SCORED THE ONLY 10 OF THE NIGHT.
Round 2---(top 6 poets) I do the matching poem: THE DANCE OF ESTROGEN:
Click here to listen
Again the audience roars---I have wowed them again--- score another 10.
I have won a poetry slam on my very first try. Forgive me for bragging---I may never have another night like this. (THANK YOU LAURIE FOR PRODUCING THIS VIDEO AND CHAMPIONING THIS EXPERIENCE!)
RANDY PHILOSOPHIZES: Often our friends believe in us more than we do. To have friends who positively CHAMPION us to be our highest self is perhaps life's greatest blessing. Brenda Harris and Boonie are responsible for encouraging me to write this blog. Brenda taught me computer and Boonie got me blogging. The founding principle of our little community is that we CHAMPION each other.
Feel free to join us at the upcoming RTR here in Flagstaff being hosted by Bob Wells: for details check
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