Friday, 22 February 2013


The recent cruise ship mishap that stranded a few thousand on the high seas for a few days without power displayed to the world an apalling shortage of American Character.  3 or 4 thousand people Whimpering, whining, showing little or no courage or adaptiveness.  They were never in any real danger---there was sufficient food, water and shelter for all----everybody knew that help was on the way.  The bathroom challenge could easily be dealt with in lots of ways---most obviously by crapping in a trash bag lining a toilet---then tying it up and stashing them at some appropriate place on the ship. The heat could easily be dealt with by getting on the SHADY side of the boat and lying down on a blanket or in a chair. 

Was there no one on that ship who understood that STUFF HAPPENS?  Was there no semi-enlightened souls who could DANCE WITH CIRCUMSTANCE? ---Simply and calmly adjust to a new situation?

Where has American Character gone?  Are these whining crybabies the descendents of hardy pioneers----offspring of American revolutionaries---inheritors of can-do innovators?  You wouldn't think so to see to see those uncourageous whimps being interviewed afterwards-----describing their experience as "Hell".  A pox on all you  who embarassed us before the world--displaying very little fortitude.

Someday----somewhere----the news media will interview a bold and enlightened soul involved in a similar mishap---who will say:  "It was an interesting , memorable experience."

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