Saturday, 10 November 2012


"Time is the currency of life" (Laurie)  "Time is not money---Time is everything" (Paul Styles)
The following is about a week's worth of caravan time pictured for you.

 Laurie and Sloan leading us to a buffet dinner.  We are about to depart the Casino for an adventure down south 150 miles. 
We all travel separately for maximum freedom----will assemble down there at the base of those mountains---at Caballo St Pk. 
 A great sunset welcomes me.
Next morning outside my door---two companions.  I enjoy having my friends close by.

A new friend joins us.  For the unacquainted that rig is a Lazy Daze---a superbly crafted motor home that will last---forever?
And here's the lady driving it---meet Jeanne and her dog Riley. 
Another new friend--- Carol joins us for a spell.  She creates and sells exquisitly beautiful napkins. 
CB rolls in --finds a spot that suits him.
We often walk together in the evenings.
Occasionally eat together.
An inspiration session. The idea is to share something that inspires you.
Sometimes we sit in the shade and chat.
This day we hiked to a pepper patch.
Another day we went to Truth or Consequences.  Tish shows us around the hot tubs.
CB builds us a fire. Laurie brings giant marshmallows.
CB hosts movie night---complete with popcorn.  He is an engineer and not surprisingly his rig is solar powered and an electronic marvel. On consecutive nights we watched THE MAN IN THE IRON MASK  and  BAGHDAD CAFE.
Look at this picture carefully.  I am being paid off for winning a bet.  Jeanne held the money. CB holds hat-in-hand symbolizing humility at learning (officially) that "a pint is a pound the world around" is false.  A gallon of water thus weighs not 8 pounds but 8.35 pounds.
Tish smiles at the super string of LED lights I've just installed. They use one tenth of the power of that old light ---delivering the same luminescence.
Jeanne rewards me with a new cap of her own making.
One morning--in a wierd mood--we decide to show off our scars.
The ladies all want a ride on CB's motorscooter.
RANDY PHILOSOPHIZES:  "ISOLATION IS A DEAD END! THE SELF IS FULFILLED IN COMMUNITY" (Teilard de Chardin)  I don't know exactly how community fulfills the self---but we are seriously experimenting to find out.  Too much connection is distracting and too little  distorts us.
But more important than the amount is the quality.  Our goal is to draw together evolving personalities capable of engaging at the level of authenticity.  (With a willingness to be playful, open, and growth oriented.) At this level wonderful things happen: Defensiveness drops away---we begin --to reveal ourselves---absorb character traits that we admire in others----inspire creativity---promote synergy.

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