Sunday, 10 June 2012



Walk a New Street

Walk a street that’s new to you;

Notice what happens in your head.

Pulses of pleasure are released

Like bubbles in rising bread.

Now some scientist has proven what

RVers knew was true:

Travelers feel a surge of joy

Experiencing something new.

Endorphins are released, it seems,

When we see novelty,

Natural pleasure chemicals

In the brain of you and me.

So now we know how to make ourselves happy:

Go do something new.

To generate fun just walk some “un”

Familiar avenue.

Thanks to the research of James Austin

(Zen and the Brain,

MIT Press, Cambridge, 1998, p. 219)

Hwy 180--North of Silver City, NM---a beautiful drive.  The caravan nearly always travels separately---to preserve our freedom to stop where we will.

Suddenly the world turns green ---in Glenwood.  We all stop here to appreciate this lovely oasis.

We decide to stay a few days---never mind there's a bear on the loose. This sign right behind my rig.
Hard to believe but there's a free campground two blocks north of town.

Here's 3 of the 4 of us settled in.

The town's famous for this:

Perhaps the greatest "catwalk" in America---maybe a mile long suspended walkway into this grand canyon. 
Laurie is as charmed as I am:

Actually more so---She disappeared down into the canyon.   When I caught up she was well out of her clothes---Oh she is bold---finally swimming around in the pool behind her.
See the story here? Biblical Religious nuts who believe the earth is only about 10,000 years old are registering their dissent with science. Does it shock you that 47 percent of Americans do not believe in evolution?  That is like believing the world is flat. 
Nightime finds us at the local bar---everybody is having a great time---the local rancher/band was playing Ghost riders in the sky. 
In walks Louis- a seasonal firefighter from LA.  Laurie and I interview him thoroughly---about firefighting---then finally learning about his love life.

The town has a great library---free wifi---friendly personnel---super generous lending policy---complete strangers can take books home.  And we did!

Out back---a really good mural by the children of the town.
And a giant concrete slab--colored chalk provided--the public invited--to have its say. Can you read what the philosopher wrote?  "PROGRESS IS THE INCREASE OF OPTIONS." (Arthur C. Clarke)
The love lady drew a heart that said CELEBRATE LIFE!
Peg went Zennish deep:  THE OCEAN REFUSES NO RIVER!
Evenings found us strolling Glenwood's cool streets.
RANDY PHILOSOPHIZES:  Something wonderful is happening in small towns everywhere---Art--Music--festivals---Community consciousness---good libraries---gardens--flowers---sculptures.  People are coming alive---lowering their defenses---discovering the joys of playfulness---cooperating to make a more civil society.  Bisbee,Az, Patagonia,Az, Columbus, NM, Silver City, NM, Glenwood, NM--to name a few.  The age of Aquairus my indeed be dawning. 

QUEST FOR COMMUNITY UPDATE:  We have temporarily scattered in 4 directions---tomorrow we begin moving together again--aiming to assemble at Bluewater State Park near Grants, NM. Feel free to visit us.

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