Thursday, 17 May 2012


LONG YEARS AGO--IN A SOUTHERN BAPTIST SEMINARY--MY THEOLOGY PROFESSOR---challenged us to try our hand at writing a parable. (a little story with big meaning)
Two and a half years of Seminary evaporated my affection for religion, but not my affection for a good illustrative story.
Today it popped into my head to try it again.  So I shall try to communicate my  vision of our QUEST-FOR-COMMUNITY CARAVAN---with  simple stories:


 COMMUNITY is like a gentle whirlwind crossing a field.  Sleeping dust is awakened, lifted, alligned in strength, spun in a beautiful pattern with purpose, shown new vistas and sent on a new journey.

 COMMUNITY is like  a tumbler----where every rock  is made more beautiful by contact with its companions.

 COMMUNITY is like  a house of many mirrors.  All who walk about in it see themselves ever more clearly.

 COMMUNITY  is like  grasshoppers when they gather in density and are  transformed into locust.

 COMMUNITY is like a Constitutional Convention where wisdom is blended to create a new paradigm.  We hope to invent new forms of friendship for the world to consider.

 COMMUNITY is like  Benjamin Franklin's close circle of friends (his
Junto) who merged their visionary wills to civilize a city.

CARAVAN UPDATE: We have temporarily scattered in three directions----Lynn and I are in Columbus, NM for dental work in nearby Palomas, Mexico---Laurie is enjoying solitude at a secluded campsite while Boonie (our pathfinder) has located for us  a scenic, cool little town.  What's amazing and satisfying is that our sense of community continues unabated---by phone and e-mail.  Our plan is to reassemble when our dental work is completed next Wednesday. 
Meanwhile, our community experiment is being discussed on other blogs:  This one may interest you:

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