Thursday, 26 April 2012


DRIFTING IS WONDERFUL FUN---moving in a general direction without a specific destination or time constraints---  Not knowing where you will sleep or what will attract your attention. Here, I'm drifting towards NM.
Boonie and I decide to camp in this vacant lot in Douglas, Az. Next morning he's up and away to the boondocks for which he is named.
I am drawn to this formidable steel wall only a hundred yards away that separates us from Mexico.
Can you see it stretching into the distance---a 14 foot barrier that no one could accidently stray across.
It is here in Douglas that long drug smuggling tunnels have been dug.  You can see the broad cleared area on the US side to discourage such tunnels.
The entire length of the wall is dragged often by an  apparatus to create this smooth dusty surface that will show the footprints of anyone crossing it.  Can you see the tracks I made?
Leaving town, I cross the flat plain that the US paid Mexico 10 million dollars for. (The Gadsden Purchase) We needed it to facilitate an east/west railroad. read about it:
(thanks Diana for the info)

I travel this long and lonely road---meeting no cars--Then far out in the desert I see this border patrol truck perched on a hillside.  I park my rig just beneath him off the highway, to eat lunch, hoping he will come down to investigate.  He (or she) didn't.
Further on I pause at this significant spot.  Right out there, at the base of those mountains---Geronimo surrendered.  A brave Lieutenant did the negotiating.
 Look up this spot on a map and you will see that it is a lonely patch of New Mexico.  A tiny town, Rodeo, is just ahead.

I pass through it and down more lonesome highway.  Ahead are two ghost towns---Steins and Shakespeare---but I've already reported on them in a previous blog.
I call it a night at a familiar spot from last year in Lordsberg.---after a brief $100 pause at the DMV to renew my truck tags for 2 years. (a bargain)
Next day,  headed for Deming, NM, a fierce and scary dust storm buffeted me.  I quickly got off the Interstate, waiting it out in a field.
When I got to Deming, it resumed---in fact it blustered all night.  I humkered close against a Kmart wall and slept well.
Then went here for a few days--hiking and coordinating various aspects of the QUEST-FOR-COMMUNITY CARAVAN.

RANDY PHILOSOPHIZES ABOUT DRIFTING:  Few ever experience the ecstasy of pure drifting.  One must have his INCOMPLETES stabilized----his roadway clear of debris---fears under control---living gear adequate---senses alert.
Here is a summary of a real-life drifter---perhaps the greatest the world has ever seen: Ibn Battuta --from Morocco.

QUEST FOR COMMUNITY CARAVAN UPDATE. We are off to a terrific start---Our scout and pathfinder Boonie located a cool and perfect spot atop a 6,500 ft mountain with 360 degree view----AND good cellphone and internet reception.  We meet once or twice a day to hike and discuss. Will brief you on our consensus in a future blog. 

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