This man speaks for much of the nation. So, beginning here I shall try to do something helpful. What can I do? -- say?---what does he really need? I ask my "good genius" to inspire me.
AND IT DOES----after a time of reflection----and out of nothingness --I get a flash of insight---from the movie "It's a wonderful Life" (remember what happened when James Stewart was ready to fling himself into the river)

Suddenly, I know what to do and say. I put money in his cup---He wakes --I ask permission to photograph --he consents.

I play with him a bit--tell him I can guess his line of work by looking at his hands. He shows me. I guess lumberjack. Not too far off he says---worked in a sawmill.

We briefly traded stories--then I told him I needed some help---that I needed a place to park in Yreka and a place to get some good water. He told me where the truckers sometimes park and where water was available.

I thanked him---told him I couldn't afford expensive RV parks and preferred to boondock. Look at his face and see if you notice a difference from the first photo. I say dignity--for the moment at least --has been restored. Werner Erhard said it best: " all you ever wanted to do was contribute".
RANDY COMMENTS: I've tried an assortment of pep talks ---giving this guy a chance to connect and contribute ---pleased me most. Incidentally, I found the parking spot and the water place in Yreka that he told me about.
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